Monday, January 5, 2009

My 3 Goals for 2009

Goals, to me, are like resolutions. Here are my three Goals for 2009.

1. Learn Social Media. After this year election, I was convinced that social media can be good for nonprofits and causes. Social media fits my background in computer, information technology, and communications. And it fits my future causes and travel desires.

2. Work Smarter. There are only 24 hours in a day. I vowed to get eight or more hours of sleep everyday. Therefore, my day is less than 15 hours a day for getting things done. There are tools and procedures to be more efficient and effectives.

3. Stop Doing. I need to stop doing certain things in my life. I am doing too many right things. I need to clear the clutter and to pare down. Its time to put the shotgun away.

Your 3 Goals for 2009
"Since 2006, I’ve been using a different method for planning my year than resolutions. I always felt that resolutions were a little too push and not enough pull, and I wanted something a bit more compelling to pull me towards the future. Basically, I come up with 3 or so keywords that tie to goals and work from that.

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