Friday, January 9, 2009

Who Feel Like Getting Away?

NOT, The Gators!

from my HTC phone!

Woody M. Collins
President, Congo Helping Hands
"Strengthening the Heart of Africa"


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Can Mobile Phones Be Used to Detect Ebola?

Normally, MANY people have to die before health officials are alerted to a unusual health problem. Why? In developing countries, death is so common place, no one is alarmed when a child or anyone dies unexpectedly. It is not apparent to the poor that something is wrong until many more die suddenly.

Fever is common sympton of malaria, Ebola, and many other diseases. But Ebola is quite deadly because it is untreatable or uncurable. It kills 40-90 percent of the infected.

Therefore, a device such as this lens-free imaging device by UCLA could provide village health officials with a quicker diagnostic of the "unusual" deaths.

Better health through your cell phone. "Lens-free imaging advance by UCLA researchers could lead to improved wireless diagnostics for HIV, malaria and other global medical problems
By Mike Rodewald 9/10/2008

In many Third World and developing countries, the distance between people in need of health care and the facilities capable of providing it constitutes a major obstacle to improving health. One solution involves creating medical diagnostic applications small enough to fit into objects already in common use, such as cell phones — in effect, bringing the hospital to the patient.

UCLA researchers have advanced a novel lens-free, high-throughput imaging technique for potential use in such medical diagnostics, which promise to improve global disease monitoring, especially in resource-limited settings such as in Africa. The research, which will be published in the quarterly journal Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering (CMBE) and is currently available online, outlines improvements to a technique known as LUCAS, or Lensless Ultra-wide-field Cell monitoring Array platform based on Shadow imaging."

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Help to tackle the humanitarian crisis in Congo

Britian gives funds for emergency and short term needs.

Britain pledges 64 million pounds for Congo Top News Reuters: "Britain said Wednesday it would donate 64 million pounds this year to help tackle a humanitarian crisis in the conflict-torn Democratic Republic of Congo.

Of this, 39 million pounds would be spent on providing food, safe drinking water and medical care and on supplying tools and seeds, a government statement said.

Britain will donate another 25 million pounds through a United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) program to provide clean water and sanitation for 3.7 million Congolese."

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Eating The Economic Crisis

It's too easy to notice the signs of the economic crisis. Also, it's painful and scary.

It's painful to see all businesses closing their door. Jobs are gone! People lives are changed.

Also, our neighbors are changing. Closed storefronts, shops, and some restaurants.

Everyone needs to eat. Go out and visit your favorite eatery! They will appreciate your business.

I had the best pancakes this morning!

from my HTC phone!

Woody M. Collins
President, Congo Helping Hands
"Strengthening the Heart of Africa"


Monday, January 5, 2009

My 3 Goals for 2009

Goals, to me, are like resolutions. Here are my three Goals for 2009.

1. Learn Social Media. After this year election, I was convinced that social media can be good for nonprofits and causes. Social media fits my background in computer, information technology, and communications. And it fits my future causes and travel desires.

2. Work Smarter. There are only 24 hours in a day. I vowed to get eight or more hours of sleep everyday. Therefore, my day is less than 15 hours a day for getting things done. There are tools and procedures to be more efficient and effectives.

3. Stop Doing. I need to stop doing certain things in my life. I am doing too many right things. I need to clear the clutter and to pare down. Its time to put the shotgun away.

Your 3 Goals for 2009
"Since 2006, I’ve been using a different method for planning my year than resolutions. I always felt that resolutions were a little too push and not enough pull, and I wanted something a bit more compelling to pull me towards the future. Basically, I come up with 3 or so keywords that tie to goals and work from that.