Saturday, November 15, 2008
Writing a Letter to Congratulate Congressman Carson
I attended the Robin Run Chapter of Bread for the World (Indiana) this morning. We were encouraged to write a letter of congratulations to our Congress person.
In June, a delegation from Indiana's Seventh Congressional District met with Congressman Carson as part of the Bread for the World's Annual Lobby Day. (See my entries in June 2008 when I took the Greyhound Bus to Washington.)
My Congressman, Andre' Carson, was re-elected. Here's my letter which I faxed to his Washington Office:
Dear Congressman André Carson,
Congratulations on your re-election to Congress. Thank you for service to our community and global poor and hungry.
Our present economic disaster will increase the number of people hungry in Indianapolis, in Indiana, in the United States, and in the developing world.
As a member of Bread for the World, I ask you to make hunger a major issue. Thank you for participating in Forum on Hunger in Indianapolis on October 12.
Finally, please support the United Nation's, United States', European Union's and others effort to bring peace to the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Over 5.4 million people have died from preventable and treatable diseases in the last 10 years. Currently, hundreds of thousands are displaced due to fighting by rebels groups against the democratically elected government.
Sincerely, Woody
Friday, November 14, 2008
Need Your Advice on Writing a Pictorial eBook
What's a good choice of software? Any good reference books or articles?
Thanks for your comments.
Woody M. Collins
Preparing a One-Minute Presentation
My strategy is to pick one INTERESTING STORY OR EVENT, then do it very well, and hope they invited you back for a longer program.
Researching the Anti-Malarial Drug, Artemisinin
The Rotary Club of Honesdale is supporting the Himalayan Institute's project to grow Artemisinin (Artemesia Annua L). The plant leaves are used to make tea to treat malaria.
Also visit
Do Your Retirement Toolbox Need Updating?
That was the theme of our best speaker, Jonathan, for this morning's Daybreakers Toastmaster Club meeting. Jonathan works for major national bank in Indianapolis. He noted that most customers have only a cash-in-the-bank strategy for retirement.
Another great meeting! Daybreakers are Day Makers!
Also visit,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Crunching Numbers over the Phone
It was totally unsettling: phone in one hand, and the other hand was in charge of the mouse, calculator, and pen. But I survived!
When it rains, the students move to first floor
In Congo, it is the rainy season. Therefore, it rains quite frequently. So, the roof leaks quite frequently. And the classes are combined quite frequently, so that students are kept dry.
That's what life is like the Elementary School 1 and Elementary School 2 of the Gare School. The school 1 meets in the morning and school 2 meets in the afternoon.
Where is the Gare School located? It is located downtown just off of the main boulevard (June 30th) in the capital city of Kinshasa.
Oh, I forgot to say, there are two rainy seasons in Congo.
Finding enough money to fix the roof was the topic of discussion for my second meeting of the day.
Working in the Backroom of Rotary Club Indianapolis NE
Early this morning, I attended my monthly board of directors meeting. It is was time of reviewing, evaluating, and planning what the club will be doing the rest of year.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Be An Expert in Just FIVE minutes!
BBC News Allan Little does an EXCELLENT job explaining the current "humanitarian crisis" in the Congo. The video is only 5 minutes long!
Tom, I am glad the UN Secretary General stood you up!
Tom Branum, a RI Director and member of my Rotary Club (Indianapolis Northeast), relied this story to me today. Therefore, I apologized to Tom on behalf of the 250,000 displaced people in eastern Congo because of this latest conflict. Also, I gave a "Happy Buck" in honor of the UN Secretary General.
visit for furthur details.
Will the BUV get on the Boat to Congo?
The US Customs office wants a Bill of Sale for a vehicle donated to Congo Helping Hands by Alfred State College. The problem is the vehicle, a Basic Utility Vehicle, was built from nuts and bolts for engineering competition.
for more details.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Oops, I Just Lost a Month!
They are waiting on my Rotary Foundation Matching Grant application. I had planned to complete the application in January. BUT I had forgotten about the tax deduction.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Are you available December 22nd?
Actually, I am going back to the Rotary Club of Hartford City on December 22 to speak about the proposed Water Well Drilling Project.
Resting at the Hartford City Library
I have been in Hartford City many times at First Presbyterian Church. Actually, the church is an half a block away from library but I had never seen it. Also, I had never visited the Rotary Club. I am looking forward for the experience.
After Completing the Water Well Drilling Class
The project will include going to Congo to drill water wells. We will use the LS-300 portable drilling rig.
Everyone is invited to take the class and go to Congo to drill wells.
Less than 50 percent of people in Congo have access to clean drinking water. Unsafe water kills thousands of children each year. Also, children especially girls are kept out of school. They have to walk miles to fetch water for their families.
Visit for more information.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Oh no, white stuff all over my sport coat!
I was visiting FPC to see the pastor. Pastor Rex is an awesome pastor. Pastor Rex is a technologer. He is everywhere.
Also, I wanted to set up a meeting with FPC's Mission Committee. FPC is a financial and spiritual supporter of Congo Helping Hands.