The BUV did not arrive as scheduled. Ok, it is not the first time. We are
still hopeful. Also, this is a Congo version of "Ground Hog Day". It is
Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday or Saturday. Pick a day.
I spent the morning reading and anticipating the BUV arrival. Shortly after
I heard the news of no BUV for today. The storm rolled in. Dark skies,
wind, and just plain eerie. I broke the news to Dr. Bernard and others that
the BUV was still in Kinshasa. Another adventure but a bad adventure.
After the storm, I decided to get to work. Life still goes on! I walked by
my friend, Dr. Dominique's office but the generator was off. Therefore, I
knew there was no internet or electrictity. Next, I walked up to Jim's
house. I watched the Olympic's Games. Women Pole Vaulting, Men Steepchase,
Women's 800 meter, Men's long jump, etc. A nice escape to another world.
Later, I got a text message from James saying he and Eric was at the
Restaurant Mutanda, also known as my office. I gave up the olympics and
went. I was late! James, Mustafio, Eric, and two Belguim NCO had almost
finished a round of beer. Bad combination. Too many expats together in one
place is bad news. Then another round came. Finally, Eric, a visiting
Belguim expat, took an eye for my shirt. Normally, I just wear a T-shirt
but since the storm today, it was cool and I worn a short sleeved shirt with
the Congo Helping Hands logo. Before I knew what was happening, Eric and I
was exchanging shirts. I got a $20 Belgium shirt for my Walmart's Faded
Glory shirt at $7 plus $10 for the embroidered logo. A fair deal? We
departed at about 7pm as it was dark. I eat a quick snack of broiled goat
and french fries before heading back to my guest house. What happened to my
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